
French Adjectives

French adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns and pronouns. They can provide details about quantity, quality, size, condition, appearance, personality, and time. Adjectives in French must agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the nouns they describe.

Adjectives generally follow the nouns they modify, unlike in English where adjectives precede the noun. However, some common adjectives precede the noun, such as bon (good), grand (big), and petit (small).

Placement and Agreement

The placement and form of an adjective can change its meaning. For example, un homme grand translates as "a tall man," while un grand homme means "a great man." Here are some examples of regular adjective agreement:

Le chien est grand (The dog is big - masculine singular).

La maison est grande (The house is big - feminine singular).

Les chiens sont grands (The dogs are big - masculine plural).

Les maisons sont grandes (The houses are big - feminine plural).

Common French Adjectives

Here is a table of some common French adjectives with their masculine and feminine forms, as well as their English translations:

Masculine Singular Feminine Singular English
Joli Jolie Pretty
Vieux Vieille Old
Petit Petite Small
Jeune Jeune Young
Bon Bonne Good

Adjectives can greatly enrich your French vocabulary and allow you to express more detailed descriptions and opinions. It is crucial to practice the gender and plural agreements to use adjectives correctly in conversation and writing.